
38. Financial instruments


Cyfrowy Polsat S,A, Group has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments:

  • credit risk,
  • liquidity risk,
  • market risk:
    • (i) currency risk,
    • (ii) interest rate risk.

The Group’s risk management policies are designed to reduce the impact of any adverse conditions on the Group’s results.

The Management Board has overall responsibility for the oversight and management of the risks that the Group is subjected to in its activities. Therefore, the Management Board has established an overall risk management framework as well as specific risk management policies with respect to market, credit and liquidity risks.

This note presents information about the Group’s exposure to each of the above risks, the Group’s objectives, policies and processes for measuring and managing risk. Further quantitative disclosures are also included throughout these consolidated financial statements.

Bank loans, bonds, cash, foreign exchange call options, interest rate swaps, cross-currency interest rate swaps and short-term bank deposits are the main financial instruments used by the Group, with the intention of securing the financing for the Group’s activities. The Group also holds other financial instruments such as trade receivables and payables, payables relating to purchase of programming rights and payables relating to purchases of tangible and intangible assets which arise in the course of its business activities.

Financial assets

Carrying amount
31 December 2013 31 December 2012
Loans and receivables, including: 712,243 609,129
Loans granted to third parties 124 228
Trade and other receivables from related parties 12,910 16,370
Trade and other receivables from third parties 356,958 322,177
Cash and cash equivalents 342,251 270,354
Hedging derivative instruments - 478
Cross-currency interest rate swaps - 478

Financial liabilities

Carrying amount
31 December 2013 31 December 2012
Other financial liabilities measured at amortized cost, including: 2,256,181 2,689,049
Finance lease liabilities 463 784
Loans and borrowings 485,883 867,611
Senior Notes 1,438,669 1,413,735
Trade and other payables to third parties and deposits 190,586 223,001
Trade and other payables to related parties 4,556 28,492
Accruals 136,024 155,426
Hedging derivative instruments 12,095 26,499
Interest rate swaps 8,041 15,321
Cross-currency interest rate swaps 4,054 11,178

Credit risk

Credit risk is defined as the risk that counterparties of the Group will not be able to meet their contractual obligations. Exposure to credit risk is related to three main areas:

  • the creditworthiness of the customers with whom physical sale transactions are undertaken,
  • the creditworthiness of the financial institutions (banks/brokers) with whom, or through whom, hedging or other derivative transactions are undertaken,
  • the creditworthiness of the entities in which investments are made, or whose securities are purchased.

The Group’s exposure to credit risk is associated primarily with trade receivables. The Parent’s customer base includes a large number of individual subscribers who are dispersed geographically over the entire country, and who are required to prepay their subscription fees. Receivables from subscribers are continuously monitored and recovery actions are taken, including blocking of the signal transferred to subscribers or termination of services to a MVNO client and Internet customer.
Telewizja Polsat and their subsidiaries provide services with deferred payment which may cause the risk of delays. Assessment of the creditworthiness of the counterparties is regularly carried out and in principle the company does not require security in relation to the financial assets.

The Group pursues a credit policy under which credit risk exposure is constantly monitored.

Due to diversification of risk in terms both of the nature of individual entities as well as of their geographical location as well as to cooperation with highly-rated financial institutions, and also taking into consideration the fair value of liabilities arising from derivative transactions, the Group is not materially exposed to credit risk as a result of derivative transactions entered into.

The carrying amount of financial assets represents the maximum credit exposure. The maximum exposure to credit risk as at the reporting date was as follows:

Maximum exposure to credit risk

Carrying amount
31 December 2013 31 December 2012
Loans granted to third parties 124 228
Trade and other receivables from third parties 356,958 322,177
Trade and other receivables from related parties 12,910 16,370
CIRS - 478
Cash and cash equivalents 342,251 270,354
Total 712,243 609,607

The concentration of credit risk for trade and other receivables is presented in the tables below:

Carrying amount
31 December 2013 31 December 2012
Receivables from subscribers 174,346 154,875
Receivables from media companies 139,423 127,195
Receivables from satellite and cable operators 15,482 13,065
Receivables from distributors 2,636 5,548
Receivables from related parties 12,910 16,370
Receivables and loans granted to third parties 25,195 21,722
Total 369,992 338,775
Carrying amount
31 December 2013 31 December 2012
Company A 29,527 30,809
Company B 23,475 17,663
Company C 21,334 17,057
Company D 14,104 13,572
Company E 9,088 9,508
Other 272,464 250,166
Total 369,992 338,775

Note: for each year 5 largest debtors are presented, not necessarily the same entities in both periods.

The ageing of trade and other receivables at the reporting date was:

31 December 2013 31 December 2012
Gross Impairment Net Gross Impairment Net
Not past due 330,766 3,648 327,118 215,653 5,125 210,528
Past due 0-30 days 18,859 1,083 17,776 64,890 1,829 63,061
Past due 31-60 days 6,134 1,245 4,889 36,811 1,565 35,246
Past due more than 60 days 48,171 27,962 20,209 64,850 34,910 29,940
Total 403,930 33,938 369,992 382,204 43,429 338,775

Credit quality of such not overdue receivables that are not impaired is very good.
Trade and other receivables with recognized impairment include not past due and past due trade and other receivables where partial recoverability is estimated. Usually impairment is recognized for trade and other receivables past due for more than 60 days or for trade and other receivables for which impairment indicator exists.

Liquidity risk

The Group’s objective in liquidity management is to ensure that it always has sufficient funds to meet its liabilities when due. Any surplus cash is invested mainly into bank deposits.

The Group prepares, on an ongoing basis, analyses and forecasts of its cash requirements based on projected cash flows.

The following are the contractual maturities of the Group’s financial liabilities.

31 December 2013
Carrying amount Contractual cash flows 6 months and less 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-5 years Over 5 years
Loans and borrowings 485,883 545,695 94,040 168,894 282,761 - -
Senior Notes 1,438,669 1,916,914 51,710 51,710 103,421 1,710,073 -
Finance lease liabilities 463 463 118 118 227 - -
Trade and other payables to third parties and deposits 190,586 190,586 190,586 - - - -
Trade and other payables to related parties 4,556 4,556 4,556 - - - -
Accruals 136,024 136,024 136,024 - - - -
IRS* 8,041 8,844 5,069 2,948 827 - -
CIRS 4,054
– inflows (51,710) (51,710) - - - -
– outflows 56,225 56,225 - - - -
2,268,276 2,807,597 486,618 223,670 387,236 1,710,073 -

*Pursuant to the agreements settlements shall be on a net basis

31 December 2012
Carrying amount Contractual cash flows 6 months and less 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-5 years Over 5 years
Loans and borrowings 867,611 1,027,081 121,033 175,404 343,519 387,125 -
Senior Notes 1,413,735 1,991,592 50,975 50,975 101,949 305,848 1,481,845
Finance lease liabilities 784 784 117 116 303 248 -
Trade and other payables to third parties and deposits 223,001 223,001 222,783 218 - - -
Trade and other payables to related parties 28,492 28,492 28,492 - - - -
Accruals 155,426 155,426 155,426 - - - -
IRS* 15,321 8,356 2,830 2,659 2,711 156 -
CIRS 11,178
– inflows (127,437) (25,487) (50,975) (50,975) - -
– outflows 142,639 28,800 57,614 56,225 - -
2,715,548 3,449,934 584,969 236,011 453,732 693,377 1,481,845

*Pursuant to the agreements settlements shall be on a net basis

As at 31 December 2013 the Group has unused revolving facility line of credit up to the amount of 200,000 PLN with a final maturity date on 31 December 2015. As at December 2012 the amount of unused revolving facility amounted to PLN 200,000.

Market risk

The Group has an active approach to managing its market risk exposure. The objectives of market risk management are:

  • to limit fluctuations in profit/loss before tax,
  • to increase the probability of meeting budget assumptions,
  • to maintain the healthy financial condition, and
  • to support the process of undertaking strategic decisions relating to investing activity, with attention to sources of capital for this activity.

All the market risk management objectives should be considered as a whole, while their realisation is dependant primarily upon the internal situation and market conditions.

The Group applies an integrated approach to market risk management. This means a comprehensive approach to the whole spectrum of identified market risks, rather than to each of them individually. The Company applies a consistent and step-by-step approach to market risk management. The primary technique for market risk management is the use in the Group of hedging strategies involving derivatives. Apart from this, natural hedging is also used to the extent available.

All of the potential hedging strategies and the selection of those preferred reflect the following factors:, the nature of identified market risk exposures of the Group, the suitability of instruments to be applied and the cost of hedging, current and forecasted market conditions. In order to mitigate market risk, derivatives are primarily used. The Group transacts only those derivatives for which it has the ability to assess their value internally, using standard pricing models appropriate for a particular type of derivative, and also these which can be traded without significant loss of value with a counterparty other than the one with whom the transaction was initially entered into. In evaluating the market value of a given instrument, the Group relies on information obtained from particular market leading banks, brokers and information services.

It is permitted to use the following types of instruments:

  • Swaps
  • Forwards and futures,
  • Options.

Currency risk

One of the main risks that the Group is exposed to is currency risk resulting from fluctuations in exchange rate of the Polish zloty against other currencies. Revenues generated by the Group are denominated primarily in the Polish zloty, while a portion of operating costs and capital expenditures are incurred in foreign currencies. The Group’s currency risk is associated mainly to royalties to TV and radio broadcasters (USD and EUR), transponder capacity leases (EUR), fees for conditional access system (EUR) and purchases of reception equipment and accessories for reception equipment (USD and EUR). Since 2011 the level of currency risk exposure has increased because of new financing denominated in EUR obtained to purchase Telewizja Polsat Sp. z o.o. After this purchase currency risk exposure is also associated to purchases of foreign programming licences.

In respect of licence fees and transponder capacity leases, the Group partly reduces its currency risk exposure by means of an economic hedge as it denominates receivables from signal broadcast and marketing services in foreign currencies.

The Group does not hold any assets held for trading denominated in foreign currencies.

The Group’s exposure to foreign currency was as follows based on currency amounts:

31 December 2013
Trade receivables 2,724 1,111 - - - - 37 2
Cash and cash equivalents 16,009 1,333 180 38 121 1,026 - -
Senior Notes (346,901) - - - - - - -
Trade payables (3,468) (11,726) (87) (1) (130) - - -
Gross balance sheet exposure (331,636) (9,282) 93 37 (9) 1,026 37 2
CIRS 12,469 - - - - - - -
Net exposure (319,167) (9,282) 93 37 (9) 1,026 37 2
31 December 2012
Trade receivables 3,236 1,515 - - - - 44 16
Cash and cash equivalents 4,702 6,490 362 38 225 1,146 - -
Senior Notes (345,809) - - - - - - -
Trade payables (6,896) (9,904) (92) (2) - - - -
Gross balance sheet exposure (344,767) (1,899) 270 36 225 1,146 44 16
CIRS 37,406 - - - - - - -
Net exposure (307,361) (1,899) 270 36 225 1,146 44 16

The following foreign exchange rates were applied in the presented periods:

Average rate Rates at the reporting date
(in PLN) 2013 2012 31 December 2013 31 December 2012
1 EUR 4,1975 4,1850 4,1472 4,0882
1 USD 3,1608 3,2570 3,0120 3,0996
1 GBP 4,9432 5,1591 4,9828 5,0119
1 CHF 3,4101 3,4722 3,3816 3,3868
1 SEK 0,4854 0,4807 0,4694 0,4757
1 NOK 0,5385 0,5596 0,4953 0,5552
1 AUD 3,0600 3,3711 2,6864 3,2183
1 CAD 3,0691 3,2569 2,8297 3,1172

For the purposes of the exchange rate sensitivity analysis as at 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2012, exchange rate volatility in the +/- 5% range was assumed as probable. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant. The sensitivity analysis below is performed on the same basis for 2012.

2013 2012
As at
31 December
change in
in %
in profit
in PLN
change in
in other
in PLN
As at
31 December
change in
in %
in profit
in PLN
change in
in other
in PLN
in currency in PLN in currency in PLN
Trade receivables
EUR 2,724 11,296 5% 565 - 3,236 13,228 5% 661 -
USD 1,111 3,346 5% 167 - 1,515 4,697 5% 235 -
GBP - 2 5% - - - 2 5% - -
AUD 37 100 5% 5 - 44 142 5% 7 -
CAD 2 7 5% - - 16 50 5% 3 -
Cash and cash equivalents
EUR 16,009 66,392 5% 3,320 - 4,702 19,221 5% 961 -
USD 1,333 4,014 5% 201 - 6,490 20,115 5% 1,006 -
CHF 180 609 5% 30 - 362 1,225 5% 61 -
GBP 38 185 5% 9 - 38 189 5% 9 -
SEK 121 57 5% 3 - 225 107 5% 5 -
NOK 1,026 508 5% 25 - 1,146 636 5% 32 -
Senior Notes
EUR (346,901) (1,438,669) 5% (71,933) - (345,809) (1,413,735) 5% (70,687) -
Trade payables
EUR (3,468) (14,381) 5% (719) - (6,896) (28,193) 5% (1,410) -
USD (11,726) (35,319) 5% (1,766) - (9,904) (30,697) 5% (1,535) -
CHF (87) (295) 5% (15) - (92) (310) 5% (16) -
GBP (1) (4) 5% - - (2) (9) 5% - -
SEK (130) (61) 5% (3) - - - 5% - -
Change in operating profit (70,111) - (70,668) -
EUR 12,469 51,711 5% 589 1,973 37,406 152,923 5% 581 6,841
Income tax 13,209 (375) 13,317 (1,300)
Change in net profit (56,313) 1,598 (56,770) 5,541
2013 2012
As at
31 December
change in
in %
in profit
in PLN
change in
in other
in PLN
As at
31 December
change in
in %
in profit
in PLN
change in
in other
in PLN
in currency in PLN in currency in PLN
Trade receivables
EUR 2,724 11,296 -5% (565) - 3,236 13,228 -5% (661) -
USD 1,111 3,346 -5% (167) - 1,515 4,697 -5% (235) -
GBP - 2 -5% - - - 2 -5% - -
AUD 37 100 -5% (5) - 44 142 -5% (7) -
CAD 2 7 -5% - - 16 50 -5% (3) -
Cash and cash equivalents
EUR 16,009 66,392 -5% (3,320) - 4,702 19,221 -5% (961) -
USD 1,333 4,014 -5% (201) - 6,490 20,115 -5% (1,006) -
CHF 180 609 -5% (30) - 362 1,225 -5% (61) -
GBP 38 185 -5% (9) - 38 189 -5% (9) -
SEK 121 57 -5% (3) - 225 107 -5% (5) -
NOK 1,026 508 -5% (25) - 1,146 636 -5% (32) -
Senior Notes
EUR (346,901) (1,438,669) -5% 71,933 - (345,809) (1,413,735) -5% 70,687 -
Trade payables
EUR (3,468) (14,381) -5% 719 - (6,896) (28,193) -5% 1,410 -
USD (11,726) (35,319) -5% 1,766 - (9,904) (30,697) -5% 1,535 -
CHF (87) (295) -5% 15 - (92) (310) -5% 16 -
GBP (1) (4) -5% - - (2) (9) -5% - -
SEK (130) (61) -5% 3 - - - -5% - -
Change in operating profit 70,111 - 70,668 -
EUR 12,469 51,711 -5% (589) (1,971) 37,406 152,923 -5% (581) (6,819)
Income tax (13,209) 374 (13,317) 1,296
Change in net profit 56,313 (1,597) 56,770 (5,523)
2013 2012
Estimated change in profit in PLN Estimated change in other comprehensive income in PLN Estimated change in profit in PLN Estimated change in other comprehensive income in PLN
Estimated change in exchange rate by 5 %
EUR (55,224) 1,598 (56,614) 5,541
USD (1,132) - (238) -
CHF 12 - 37 -
GBP 7 - 7 -
SEK - - 4 -
CAD - - 2 -
AUD 4 - 6 -
NOK 20 - 26 -
Estimated change in exchange rate by -5 %
EUR 55,224 (1,597) 56,614 (5,523)
USD 1,132 - 238 -
CHF (12) - (37) -
GBP (7) - (7) -
SEK - - (4) -
CAD - - (2) -
AUD (4) - (6) -
NOK (20) - (26) -

Had Polish zloty weakened 5% against the basket of currencies as at 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2012, the Group’s net profit would have decreased by PLN 56,313 and decreased by PLN 56,770, respectively and other comprehensive income would have increased by PLN 1,598 in 2013 and increased by PLN 5,541 in 2012. Had the Polish zloty strengthened 5%, the Group’s net profit would have correspondingly increased by PLN 56,313 and increased by PLN 56,770. Other comprehensive income would have decreased by PLN 1,597 in 2013 and decreased by PLN 5,523 in 2012, assuming that all other variables remain constant. Estimated future revenue and costs denominated in foreign currencies are not taken into consideration.

Interest rate risk

Changes in market interest rates have no direct effect on the Group’s revenues, however, they do have an effect on net cash from operating activities due to interest earned on overnight bank deposits and current accounts, and on net cash from financing activities due to interest charged on bank loans.

The Group regularly analyses its level of interest rate risk exposure, including refinancing and risk minimising scenarios. Based on these analyses, the Group estimates the effects of changes in interest rates on its profit and loss.

In order to reduce interest rate risk exposure resulting from interest payments on floating rate senior facility, the Group stipulated interest rate swaps (see note 29).

At the reporting date, the interest rate risk profile of interest-bearing financial instruments was:

Carrying amount
31 December 2013 31 December 2012
Fixed rate instruments
Financial assets - 134
Financial liabilities* (1,451,983) (1,431,654)
Variable rate instruments
Financial assets 342,013 270,040
Financial liabilities* (517,085) (923,348)
Net interest exposure (175,072) (653,308)

* nominal debt

Cash flow sensitivity analysis for variable rate instruments (pre-tax effect):

Income statement Other comprehensive income Equity
by 100 pb
by 100 pb
by 100 pb
by 100 pb
by 100 pb
by 100 pb
31 December 2013
Variable rate instruments* (1,751) 1,751 3,098 (3,098) 1,347 (1,347)
Cash flow sensitivity (net) (1,751) 1,751 3,098 (3,098) 1,347 (1,347)
31 December 2012
Variable rate instruments* (6,533) 6,533 7,787 (7,787) 1,254 (1,254)
Cash flow sensitivity (net) (6,533) 6,533 7,787 (7,787) 1,254 (1,254)

* – include sensitivity in fair value changes of hedging instruments (interest rate swaps) due to changes in interest rates

The Group applies cash flow hedge model under IAS 39 for interest rate exposure from floating rate interest payments in PLN on senior facility hedged by interest rate swap.